
In 2024, OTO SOUND MUSEUM persists in its mission to explore sound practices in urban spaces and digital realms. True to its nomadic essence, OTO SOUND MUSEUM relocates to the Zeughausareal in Zurich, a historically significant complex in Switzerland with rich cultural, political, and social heritage. Three performative interventions take place within specific areas of this architecture, the largest ever constructed on Swiss soil for military purposes and now recognised as a protected complex of both cantonal and national importance. Concurrently, throughout its stay at the Zeughausareal in Zurich, OTO SOUND MUSEUM continues its digital journey through this online platform, connecting with user-listeners across geographies around the world. Embracing an iconoclastic identity that rejects figurative representation, the digital museum introduces a new program featuring four digital sound exhibitions in 2024, encouraging alternative pathways of visualization through the medium of sound.


Digital Exhibitions
Margherita Moscardini
12 March – 19 May 2024
Cally Spooner
28 May – 4 August 2024
Emily Jacir
12 September – 17 November 2024
OTO award for EDHEA
26 November 2024 – 26 January 2025
Rahel Kraft
11 May 2024, Zeughausareal Zurich
Christophe Fellay
16 June 2024, Zeughausareal Zurich
16 June 2024, Walcheturm Kunstraum Zurich
Cathy Van Eck
5 October 2024, Zeughausareal Zurich


Digital Exhibitions
Zehra Doğan
28 March – 30 May 2023
Pedro Reyes
6 June - 8 August 2023
Ivan Kurbakov
29 August - 31 October 2023
Shatha Al-Deghady
14 November 2023 - 23 January 2024
Yanik Soland
21 April 2023, Wasserturm Zurich
1 July 2023, Wasserturm Zurich
Hannah Weinberger
6 Oct - 17 Nov 2023, Wasserturm Zurich
Pe Lang & Marianthi Papalexandri Alexandri
25 November 2023, Wasserturm Zurich


Digital Exhibitions
Abdellah M. Hassak
28 May – 31 July 2022
Anna Raimondo
5 September – 27 October 2022
Larissa Araz
7 November – 30 December 2022
6 May 2022, Wasserturm Zurich
Magda Drozd
2nd July 2022, Wasserturm Zurich
Gilles Aubry, VACUT Group
21 Oct – 27 Nov 2022, Wasserturm Zurich


Digital Exhibitions
21 January – 20 February 2021
Luca Resta
21 February – 20 March 2021
Paloma Ayala
21 March – 20 April 2021
Jo Thomas
21 April – 20 May 2021
Jurczok 1001
21 May – 20 June 2021
Magda Drozd
21 June – 20 July 2021
21 September – 20 October 2021
Ari Benjamin Meyers
21 October – 20 November 2021
Axel Crettenand
21 November – 20 December 2021
Vanessa Heer
21 January – 20 February 2021
Paloma Ayala
30 May 2021, Artist studio Zurich
Jurkzok 1001
11 June 2021, La Voirie Biel/Bienne
11 September 2021, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen
SOUNDATA, Axel Crettenand, Mayar El Bakry & Joanna Selinger
29 Oct – 27 Nov 2021, la Rada Locarno
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